Monday, July 20, 2009


The Secret Formula They Didn't Teach You in School

I am fascinated by money - what it is, how it operates, how to attract it, save it, invest it, spend it, give it to others and create more of it.

In palmistry, women entrepreneurs' hands reveal, in the hand's simple, straightforward way, the STRUCTURE of money as well as what to do and what NOT to do to have a good relationship with money.

Look at the palm of your hand. The middle finger is divided into three zones. The upper zone represents women business owners' 'system' of money, the middle zone represents the 'management' of money and the bottom zone represents the 'roots' of money.

The upper zone of the middle finger says that money has a system to it. This system may be abstract and invisible at first glance, but it has a system nonetheless.
The lower zone says that money has its roots in the Earth. If you think about it, EVERY TANGIBLE THING WE POSSESS COMES FROM THE EARTH. Your desk, your computer, your clothes, the food you eat, gold, diamonds, etc. - all this bounty comes from the Earth.

The middle zone is where the system of money and the material resources of money combine. Managed properly, women entrepreneurs put money in the bank. Thus, the middle zone of the middle finger is about managing money.

The System of Money (palmistry upper zone): Money is a precise measure of value - it either adds up or it doesn't. Money deals in numbers that can be put on spreadsheets and on profit and loss statements. Money is orderly and therefore, it LOVES order. If women business owners want to attract more money, they need to have structures in place that organize the money that they attract. Structures such as balanced bank accounts, an accountant, a bookkeeper and a SYSTEM for their business. The more women entrepreneurs can create reliable, repeatable systems in their businesses, the more money they will have.

The Management of Money (palmistry middle zone): This is money in the bank - preferably in an account with your name on it! The precision of your money system directly impacts the flow of money in and out of your bank account. As a palmistry expert, I cannot stress this enough.

The Roots of Money (palmistry lower zone): Money is the systematic measuring of the value placed on goods and services. ALL goods and services come, originally, from the root of all roots - Mother Earth. 'Money' measures value - tangible and intangible. The 'root' of money is that which is valuable - things you can touch as well as things you can't. Your inner value system can't be held like a diamond in your hand - but it's critical to your success in business. Your values MUST line up with your actions.
Here are some palmistry formulas that reveal the STRUCTURE of money:

Formula Key: Upper Finger Zone = System; Middle Finger Zone = Management; Bottom Finger Zone = Resources
Excellent System + Excellent Management + Excellent Resources (your inner values, knowledge, desire, passion, focus, additional money) = $$$$
Some System + Some Management + Some Resources = some $$
No System + No Resources + No Management = what money?
Here's another way to play with our formula: a good system plus solid values equals money in the bank.

For many women entrepreneurs that I coach, the SYSTEM seems to be the missing piece. Most women business owners are keenly aware of their bank account status because it's a physical reality. But the necessary systems to honor their inner values often get left in the dust. Why? Because they're not in our face every day, demanding our attention.


Powerful Tips For Unleashing Your Intuition

If you really want to know "the secret," access your business creativity and live your Life Purpose, there�'s one jewel in your treasure chest you must dig out, polish up and wear proudly - the gem is your intuition. Without it, you are likely to be confused and looking to others for your own answers.

Now, that being said, it's perfectly good and necessary to seek out spirituality and business knowledge from others. However, there is a difference between being a workshop junkie and being a truth seeker. The workshop junkie looks for the next quick fix of temporary, adrenaline-induced inspiration (quick to wear off), while the truth seeker looks within and asks, "Hey you, what do you really want to study and learn about next?" She then finds her next step - whether it be a new relationship, an enlightening book, a tele-class or a workshop (wisdom lasts a lifetime).

What makes the difference between these two kinds of women entrepreneurs? One trusts their intuition and the other doesn't. So, you may be asking, how do I TRUST my intuition more?

Here are three powerful tips for unleashing your intuition that I've discovered in my almost ten years experience as a hand analyst/palmist, and spirituality and business coach.

Tip #1: Trust the FIRST impression that comes.
Your impression could be a vision (psychic/clairvoyant), a disembodied voice (clairaudient), a gut feeling (intuition/kinesthetic response), or a simple �~knowing�' that without explanation, forethought or planning, �~flashes�' into your mind.
With my visual psychic/clairvoyant ability, I see imagery either "inside" my mind or "outside" my mind as if on an invisible movie screen. For example, many years ago, I was at a friend's party giving short palm readings to the guests. As one woman sat down in front of me, I saw twelve angels around her. The angels weren't visible in the way that she was I saw them energetically and could feel their energy in the physical space with us. Curious and a wee bit nervous, I said, "Are you aware that you have twelve angels walking around with you?" She said, cool as a cucumber, "Oh, yes," and then proceeded to tell me some of their names!

Tip #2: Ask your heart for spirituality and business intuition.
Close your eyes and put your right hand over your heart. Breathe in and out slowly, feeling the rhythm of your heart beat. Then quietly ask your heart, "Heart, what do you want right now?" Since your heart processes emotion, NOT thoughts, it will usually respond with a simple, one- or two-word "feeling" answer such as "love," "forgiveness," "patience," "action," etc. You will probably hear these answers in your head, in your own voice.

Usually my heart answers, "I want peace and joy." However tonight, while writing this article, my heart gave me the longest answer ever. My heart said, "Beth, stop pushing yourself. I want you to be kind and gentle to yourself. Take care of yourself and do those things that make you feel pretty and happy." Pretty and happy? Never got that one before. Wow, I guess I have my homework!

Tip #3: Build your self-esteem.
In her book, Anatomy Of The Spirit, the great energy medicine expert, Caroline Myss wrote, "How we feel about ourselves, whether we respect ourselves, determines the quality of our life, our capacity to succeed in business, relationships, healing, and intuitive skills [emphasis mine]. Self-understanding and acceptance, the bond we form with ourselves, is in many ways the most crucial spiritual challenge we face. In truth, if we do not like ourselves, we will be incapable of making healthy decisions. Instead, we will direct our personal power for decision-making into the hands of someone else. Someone whom we want to impress or someone before whom we think we must weaken ourselves to gain physical security. People who have a low sense of self-esteem attract relationships and occupational situations that reflect and reinforce this weakness." (This lack of self-esteem is the #1 reason why women entrepreneurs don't use their intuition.)

After reading thousands of hands, I believe that the "Life Lesson" of humanity involves self-esteem issues. If you doubt yourself, how are you going to trust something as subtle, fast and laser sharp as your intuition? Having good self-esteem is vital to harnessing the power of your intuition. And here's the catch: If you ask and don't listen, your intuitive awareness may go into hibernation. If you ask and listen, but don't ACT, you create stagnation, procrastination and all sorts of spirituality and business ills.


Spiritual Strategies Can Turn Your Love Life Around!

Palm reading over the past nine years, I've read thousands of hands and the issue of relationships comes up again and again. No surprise there. The greatest desire for most of us when it comes to relationships is finding an appropriate partner.
Sometimes trying to get your partner to commit” (to your relationship) is enough to get you committed (to the funny farm).

Below you'll discover three different yet connected ways to use the input your partner provides to reevaluate yourself and what you might be doing wrong.

Strategy #1: Your Partner is Your Mirror, Take A Closer Look.
Do you complain that your partner won't commit or doesn't keep his/her agreements, won't help out around the house, etc.? Whenever this issue comes up, I find, without exception, that a palm reading shows the individual logging the complaint has the SAME issue in their hands.

So for example, Andrea wants her husband to pick up after himself and nags him incessantly about those lonely socks on the floor. Andrea secretly dreams of being a writer her palmistry shows a writing gift marker in her hand. When I ask Andrea, "Andrea, what are YOU doing to further your writing ambitions?" I am met with a blank stare. Sometimes, just sometimes, the person receiving the hand analysis session will perk up and say, "Oh, my goodness, I see what you mean. I'm nagging after him when I should be writing." Righto! The "mirror effect" isn't always obvious - writing and picking up one's socks may not, at first glance, have a lot in common.

What is the CORE ISSUE of your complaint with your partner and how does this mirror back something in yourself? Once you have the "core issue," ask YOURSELF, where do I need to apply this wisdom to move forward in my own self-development?
Strategy #2: It Is NOT Your Partner's Job to Read Your Mind: Speak Up!

If I had a dollar for every person who has said to me, "He (or she) should just know." Really?
Strategy #2 is so obvious that you should probably just *know* what it is. (Just kidding.) But you've heard it before - and I'm saying it again - it is absolutely essential to speak up and COMPLETE the communications in your relationships. If you find that this task falls to you again and again, your hands will no doubt reveal that learning to speak up is part of your growth journey.

Strategy #3 "Completing the communication"
It means making a request for something you'd like or need in the relationship, such as more alone time or more together time. It also means setting clear boundaries and also knowing when to keep your mouth shut and just listen. So many of our relationship conflicts are due to feeling a need to respond to everything that is said rather than just listening.

Here's my Coach's Challenge:
What have you NOT said that you are afraid to say? I challenge you to say it and stay open to your partner's response. Many times we don't speak our truth because we're not really interested in hearing the other person's response - it may not be what we want or expect - OR their truth may scare us.

You can save yourself a lot of trouble by simply addressing this before sharing your inner vulnerability. "Honey, I need to share this with you. I don't know how you're going to respond. I will do my best to stay open to your response without reacting and I invite you to share your truth with me." The less frightened we are of rejection, abandonment and attack, the easier it becomes to share our innermost truth with another (which, by the way, is the dictionary definition of "intimacy.")

Friday, July 10, 2009


Mudras Hand Mysteries

The lines on the palms of the hands are believed in the occult science of palmistry to designate a person's character and changing fate. In all systems of palmistry--Chinese, Hindu, and Western, certain portions of the hand and fingers represent the celestial bodies--the sun, moon, and planets. Palmistry tells us that the hands come in various shapes: "square," "conical," "spatula," etc; each shape with its own special meaning. The fingers likewise come in assorted sizes hinting of the owner's personal psychological constitution. Lines or marks are to be found on the palms of the hand, and throughout life these are constantly changing in formation. Why lines appear in the hands and may reveal a person's character and probable future is a mystery that remains to be solved. One theory is that the lines are caused by nervous energy or fluid coursing through the physical body leaving its imprint, its indelible marks on the sensitive, impressible palms of the hands. It is believed that the nature and strength of the marks are determined by the intensity of this vital-fluid which in turn is caused by the inherent qualities of the indwelling soul. The regulator of this nervous-energy appears to be the soul-impressed brain.

To explain this in another way: first, the soul influences the brain with its innate characteristics, its character, then the brain releases and regulates the nerve-energy flowing through the body which is recorded on the sensitive portion of the hands appearing as lines and identifiable marks. This theory is logical but it does not explicitly explain how one's "fate" may be indicated by the etches made upon the palms of the hands. Perhaps we could explain this simply by saying that one's character, beliefs, and attitudes determine to a large extent one's so-called fate, and so by knowing a subject's psychic make-up it is possible to know his or her probable future. For instance, if a subject has a slothful character, we could predict that he or she would experience financial problems and poor health. This principle is based upon the Law of Cause and Effect and is nothing mysterious.

Terence Dukes in his book, "Chinese Hand Analysis," tells us that the hands may be analyzed at different levels, not only from its physical aspects, but from its psychic constitution as well:

"Because of the principle (Li) of transmutative levels, it also became possible to interpret a hand from its energy flow rather than its physical attributes, and the 'psychic' element (as we would call it today) became accepted. The interpretation would differ depending on the level of paradigmatic and hermeneutical ability of the analyst. From observed hand patterns, a Taoist analyst may be able to tell that you have rebuilt your home, a Chen-Yen Buddhist that your grandmother's spirit was watching over you, and a Buddhist-cum-Taoist that your liver was overworking! The well-trained cheirologist could tell you all three and more, for such training implies trans-level understanding and not just prognostic ability."

Whether a coincidence or not, the palms show a significant number. The figure nineteen in Arabic numerals may be found etched on them. Using the terminology of palmistry, the figure consists of the "life," "heart," and "head" lines. Nineteen is definitely esoteric being one of the two numbers discovered thus far with which the Quran, the holy book of Islam is structured.

There are several million nerve cells on each fingertip and these are extremely delicate. The surface of these fingertips are covered by ridges called rugae, which are developed in the fetus during pregnancy as early as the eighteenth week. The formation of these ridges do not change in life and remains until death. They cannot be obliterated by any process. Accidents may efface them, but as the skin recovers, the original pattern appears once again.

That each individual has a different set of fingerprints were observed by ancient people and they utilized this to identify themselves to others. For instance, the ancient Assyrians and Chinese made use of fingerprints to sign legal documents in the same manner that we use signatures. Technically, the study of the well-defined patterns of ridges on the fingertips is known as dermatoglyphics.

It is believed that the modern study of dermatoglyphia or fingerprints were first conducted by the Czech physiologist Johannes Evengelista Purkinje in the 19th century. Some time later, the British scientist Sir Francis Galton proposed the use of fingerprints for identification purposes as did his ancient predecessors. Modern fingerprinting was first pragmatically implemented by British police officer Sir Edward Richard Henry (1857-1930) in Bengal, India in the 1890s to identify criminals.

What is the occult explanation of the unique patterns of our finger ridges? As understood metaphysically, physical man is an expression of the Soul. Patterns upon fingertips are caused by the Higher Self, or the Ego stamping its identity upon the tissues of the body by way of the blood and forming ridge patterns to be found nowhere else in the world. Since each person has his or her own Ego, unlike animals, each individual is unique, "one-of-a-kind," like a facet of a cut diamond that has its own effulgent glory. As we have said previously, the hands are reflective of man's inner being. The uniqueness of the Soul may be seen in its shadow, the physical body, together with its micro-components.

The tactile sense is believed to be the most complex of the five senses. It is said to possess at least eleven distinct sub-senses. There are millions of sensory end organs in the skin. There are sensory detectors of cold, heat, pain, texture, pressure, etc. These senses work through the central nervous system. There are also subtle senses of the skin related to the autonomic or sympathetic nervous system. These subtle senses capture energies vibrating beyond the energy-spectrum perceptible to the five senses. The occasional twitching of the eyes, ears, and various parts of the body that have time immemorial been attributed by occultists to metaphysical forces are actually true in fact. The subtle senses of the skin are ultra sensitive to thought and emotional force emission whether from an internal or an external source. The belief that when the right eye twitches means that "someone is thinking of you," reveals a basic occult truth often derided by skeptics.

The sensitivity of our skin differ in the various parts of our body. The fingertips and mucous membranes, as an example, are more sensitive than most parts of the physical structure. According to embryologists, our skin is sensitive to light and is convertible to sight receptors. They explain that small cells, called ocelli, are to be found all over the skin, and that these cells resemble miniature eyes. Among the body parts that are sensitive to light are the forehead, chest, cheeks, temples, and hands. It is no wonder that some people are said to have the unusual ability to sense colors or even "read" words through their fingertips.

There is an amazing soothing power in the hands. We often use it to comfort and delight another by touching, caressing, and stroking. We please and tease our loved ones with our playful fingers. In romance the touch of the hand is as essential as the kiss. In Act II, Scene II of "Romeo and Juliet," a famous Shakespearean play, the young Romeo while admiring Juliet from afar wishes that he were a glove on her hand caressing her cheek:
"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek!"
Human hands are fascinating, enchanting and evocative. They often fill us with wonder with their beautiful or repulsive appearance. The pioneer of modern western palmistry,

d'Arpentingny, expresses it eloquently:
"there are hands which naturally attract us, and there are hands which excite in us repulsion. I have seen hands which seemed covered with eyes, so sagacious and so penetrating was their experience. Some, like those of the sphinx, suggest an idea of mystery; some betray recklessness and strength, combined with activity of body, others again indicate laziness and cunning."

Doctors and scientists have recorded the fact that the lack of touch--of fondling, petting, and caressing of babies and children cause them to suffer psychologically and physically--their emotional condition being affected even in their adult years. Children are most vital and healthy when exposed to an affectionate dose of touch. Generally, children who receive more hugs from their parents grow taller and more intelligent than those who do not. Autistic children who are disturbed, withdrawn, and frightened respond to hugs and caresses more readily than they do to any cold clinical treatments. The loving touch is therapeutic and can be more potent than pranic or Reiki healing treatments that are apathetically and mechanically given.

We often wonder why without the touch of loving hands we find our lives empty, meaningless, and burdensome. We seem to lose a sense of purpose, enthusiasm, and self-motivation. Metaphysics has an explanation: energy when imbued with a certain characteristic becomes a force that when emitted from a person may cause changes in the ambient surroundings. When such a force is tinged with the power of love and affection it uplifts all that it comes into contact with. Human beings, animals, and even objects that receive such a force are transformed and ennobled. This is the reason why it is always preferable to return love for hatred, and affection for anger. Whatever we touch ought to come from our hearts.

The human touch, affectionately given, also help to anchor or ground the consciousness of those who are psychologically disturbed to the physical plane and prevent hallucinations from taking place. Sensory input through the tactile sense is vital for a balanced mind. Adults as well as children require it to maintain sanity.
The handshake or a pat on the back from a friend is always reassuring--especially when it comes from one's Guru. In a stressful period of life a massaging hand on the shoulder does wonders to relieve loved ones of tension and cause them to relax. The touch is truly magical when we consider how a mother comforts her innocent babe with the touch of love. In this respect if animals had hands they would certainly use them to express affection just as humans do. Lacking them, snouts and beaks are employed instead. Some of course, are able to use their cute and sometimes deadly paws.

In many cultures the handshake as a traditional custom originated with the intention of showing that no weapons were held concealed in the hand and that the two persons involved in the handshake did so in peace and friendship. Hands behind the back or hidden in pockets have always been regarded with suspicion. To the knowledgeable, the handshake reveals a lot about a person's characteristics. The firm, strong grip often indicates someone who is willful, determined, and disciplined--all leadership qualities. Weak grips naturally denote weak natures. Gentleness, enthusiasm, energy, clumsiness, self-confidence, inferiority complexes, etc.--all these may be sensed by the power of the grip, the vigor in which the hand is shaken, the length of time in which the hand is held, and the jerks and movements that it makes.

Hands are applied for various purposes in daily life. They are used for eating, cleansing, working, creating, worshipping and expressing oneself. Man instinctively clasps his hands in prayer--a very significant mudra that has the power to intensify inherent energies and may cause precipitations to take place on the physical plane.
Ever since bygone days, hands have been used as a calculating device. The simple counting of the fingers was a universal method applied in primitive times. Our most used modern method of computation utilizes the base of 10. This is derived from the ancient usage of the ten finger-digits in calculations. Complex systems of counting have been devised using the appendages of the hand. Javanese mystics, for instance, have unique formulas to calculate certain life's cycles using only their fingers. Hand postures are sometimes used to represent numbers. These manual gestures for representing numeration have been chiefly employed in the past by the Romans and Greeks.

There are many functions of the hand that may not be replaced by robotics. No mechanical hand may ever offer the same dexterity, sensitivity, grace, and versatility as a natural hand would. It took millions of years for man's hands to evolve to its present state of perfection. Man may create machines to do the tasks normally done by his hands, but he will never replace them completely by his inventions, just as no supercomputer would ever match the intricacy of the human brain--not for a long time yet anyway.

Hands are used to communicate and reveal thoughts. We often use all sorts of gestures to emphasize or stress certain words, ideas and feelings that we wish to convey or project outwards. This is normally done unconsciously without any willful intent, executed through subconscious impulses; at times willfully, as for instance, the sign of hunger or thirst, or a "come here!" hand movement. A whole psychological branch of study has developed out of these gestures. As part of the study of "Body language," hand gestures have become an important subject in understanding the operations of the human psyche and human behavior.

Sign language uses the media of the hands in order to communicate. When forced to interact with someone speaking a different language we often make use of signs. The American Indians, for instance, developed their own forms of sign languages to communicate with tribes not of their own native tongue. Things of nature, ideas, emotions, and sensations all have their particular hand-sign. The gestures that the American Indians possessed were elaborate enough to carry-out a detailed non-verbal conversation. Other races or cultures have also developed their own sign languages such as to be found in certain cultural groups in Assam, Eastern India, and of the Aborigines in Australia. In modern times manual gestures have been developed for the deaf.

Aside from lip-reading, the deaf are often taught to communicate through definite forms, signs or poses of the hand. In this communications system, there are basically two types of signs: natural signs and systematic signs. Natural signs stand for objects and ideas whereas systematic signs stand for word-by-word or letter-by-letter renderings of the written language.

Among the disabled, the blind likewise benefit from their hands by reading words in Braille. In contemporary times, the hands are used extensively in the art and science of speed reading by those who seek to augment and optimize the volume of their reading input and comprehension ability.

Sign language has also been successfully used to communicate with animals--with the anthropoids in particular. It has been observed by researchers that apes have a large capacity to memorize and perhaps understand hundreds of signs representing abstract concepts.

The sensitivity of the fingers of the hands may be increased in order to sense colors and energies as alluded to above. Psychometry, for instance, is the occult art of reading energies in objects so as to uncover their personal history. This is especially done through the media of the hands. Impressions are received through the autonomic nervous receptors in the hands and conveyed to the brain for translation into images, thoughts and feelings. In yoga teachings, the term sparsha (lit. "touch") denotes superperception of the tactile sense, of which development is a by-product of meditation.

Hands are often used in healing. Perhaps one of the most famous mystical brotherhoods of the past to apply the life energy emanating from the hands therapeutically were the Rosicrucians. The members of this spiritual organization practiced the "laying-of-hands" like their ancient counterparts, the Therapeutae in Egypt and the Essenes that lived along the shores of the Dead Sea. In past centuries, western occultists like Paracelsus and Anton Mesmer similarly made use of this etheric nerve-energy emanating from the hands for healing purposes, the latter calling it "animal magnetism." Ancient Greeks called people who healed with the power of their hands, "cheirourgos," meaning "hand-workers." The word "surgeon" is derived from this Greek term. The ancient Egyptians believed that the hands emanated a force filled with healing and life-giving properties. They called this force sa-ankh. Other ancient cultures called this power by various names. That man emanate energy from the hands is the reason why some individuals are said to have "green thumbs," meaning that plants are sympathetic to such persons and the life-giving force that they radiate and respond by growing healthy foliage and producing abundant fruits. Everyone emanates magnetic rays from their hands and fingertips. Healers naturally have a much more powerful flow.

That power flows from the palms is recognized by the monks and priests of Buddhists monasteries in China in past centuries. Mainly used in therapeutics and the martial arts, "the Buddha Palm" as it is called, has found its way to our modern world and into the Occident.

Hands may be luminescent under the right conditions. The Jews have observed that the hands of holy people at prayer often become incandescent; Christians likewise believe that the fingertips of saints often shoot forth rays of light.

It is proven with modern Kirlian and high-frequency photography that the hands and physical body emits energy. These modern devices reveal indubitably in a concrete manner how we are surrounded by our own personal bioluminescent magnetic-field that otherwise may only be seen through etheric sight.

The human aura is generally heterogeneous in its various layers and sections. Each part of the body emanates a different force in accord with its state of vigor and vitality. The diverse energies of Man's aura, or bio-magnetic field may be detected through the hands. Negative, sickly, or congested energies in the aura may be sensed by the trained hands through the sensations of density, heat, coolness, electrical tingling, etc. In conjunction with this, the hands are also used to clear or balance energies in the aura. Hands are certainly great instruments used in most alternative therapies.

Why some are left-handed and not right-handed may seem a mystery to some. There are those who believe that this is inherited; however, this cannot be conclusively proved. A plausible answer from the metaphysical point of view, is that this is a karmic habit and is related to a past life injury upon the major hand. Incapacitated in the use of the right hand, the soul intelligence was forced to apply the minor hand in daily activities. This became habitual and was later carried over to a future incarnation where it still remained for the soul the hand of major use.


Palmistry Can Be Your Map Through Fear

You've probably heard these explanations for the root of your fear more than once:
* You're out of your comfort zone
* You need more information
* You fear the unknown
* You lack courage
* You lack focus
* You lack self-confidence

While all of those reasons are potentially valid depending upon the situation, I'd like to dig a little deeper, using your fingerprints as our map through fear.
Your fingerprints reveal several aspects of your soul, and one of those aspects is your Life Lesson. Your Life Lesson is your blind spot, your gremlin, your nemesis, your "negative tapes."

Your Life Lesson could be one or a combination of these issues:
* panic caused by a life out of balance (everything is an *emergency*)
* anxiety making decisions
* not expressing your authentic feelings due to the perceived expectations of others
* sacrificing yourself into burdensome obligation
* lack of clarity about your definition of success
* challenges owning your power in the world
* challenges managing your energy, time and money
* challenges expressing your creativity
* challenges speaking up for your self
* challenges with your family and community (on a life scale)
* challenges finding your passion and dealing with victimization, shame and numbness
* challenges finding your niche due to guilt
* paralyzing fear of rejection
* issues around trust, intimacy and surrender

If you look at the above list, are there one or two Life Lessons that really stand out for you? My Life Lesson is "not expressing my authentic feelings due to the perceived expectations of others." Sooooo... now I'm doing new and different things with my business - and what do I fear? You guessed it! I fear what other people think and feel about me. (I recognize I have no control over what others think and feel about me. But it doesn't make my lesson any less painful for the knowing.)

If you follow any fear to its natural conclusion, the fear is a painful outcome - humiliation, shame, excommunication, torture, fire, starvation, annihilation, etc. You think I'm kidding? I'm not kidding. THAT'S why we get so afraid about making that important phone call, closing the sale, standing up to our mother or father or our children.

Our Life Lesson is the surface issue that trips us up - it acts, amazingly enough, as a PROTECTION mechanism. What lies below that surface issue is our fear of not surviving. Fear lives in our mid-brain or *reptile brain* and it runs on instinct. All our crocodile brain knows is that if you step into the "Life Lesson Zone," something scary is going to happen.

And then the drama begins. You get distracted, you procrastinate, you have no money, you have no time... The drama is the crocodile brain's way of keeping you from FACING your Life Lesson and hence, learning it. By not facing the Life Lesson, our crocodile brain achieves ITS goal of keeping us stuck. When we learn our Life Lesson, we actualize our Life Purpose.


Use Palmistry For Marriage Compatibility

Palmistry for marriage compatibility is a science that applies the art of hand-reading to test how suit a couple is for one another. This guides their decision before they choose to walk down the aisle with the wrong partner. It is ironic that marriage is one of the greatest social institutions which is meant to solve various problems but it is sad that it ends up being one of the major social problems. A happy marriage based on a sound foundation is constituted by perhaps only three factors. The most paramount one is the right choice of a partner. This is where many people go wrong since they base their marriage on lust and passion. They barely take their time to meditate about their significant other. The second factor to consider is the natural personal attitude towards life and one's partner. The right attitude towards work, religion and family is very important in a mate. The last one is discussed a lot which off course is a harmonious and consistent sex life.

Palmistry for marriage compatibility is a very wise phenomenon since it helps in accessing the sexual passion in a mate. Love and romance sets the foundation of a happy married life for the couple. If you use palmistry to test your mate's passion then you will be in a position to tell your sexual compatibility before you decide on marriage. It is a belief among the learned people that sex education leads to better and predictable sexual compatibility but i beg to disagree. Many professional people like doctors, nurses and biologists have have plenty of sexual knowledge and yet they also face sexual problems. Most illiterate laborers may be ignorant about sex education and yet they satisfactorily enjoy their sex life in marriage. People need to understand that the small general arts in life such as the art of hand reading is all they need to concentrate in to live a simple happy life.

To use palmistry for marriage compatibility examination, begin with the skin texture. Massage the palm softly while feeling the skin of the hand by your thumb finger. The feeling of the skin texture may be soft, normal or hard and dry. If soft skin is detected, this indicates that the person has developed aesthetic sense and hard dry skin indicates the lack of it. A point to note is that a soft skin does not guarantee good morals and hard skin does not indicate low morals. Another hand-reading technique is the consistent thickness of the palm. The thickness standards indicate the power of emotions. The capacity to feelings is related to this hand thickness. A guy with thicker hands has higher chances of building a happy successful marriage compared to one with thin hands. A guy with thin hands may be cold and insensitive. That family warmth generated by emotions might be lacking. A woman with too thick flesh on her hands may attribute her thinking to her emotions. This might start a marriage problem if the emotional demands are unrealistic.


Mudras & Hand Symbolism

Before we begin discussing mudras, let us first consider some interesting topics concerning hands. This and the following article will be devoted to hand mysteries, symbolism, esotericism, signs, and beliefs. Although our treatment of these subjects may be inadequate, from the scholarly point of view, the lay person may find them interesting and we especially dedicate this work for their peruse.

The miraculous hands--we usually take them for granted and do not see how invaluable they are to us. We only miss their use should a mishap befall them--just like everything else. In the absence of hands civilizations would not have been built. No progress would have been made in our social, industrial, technological, and spiritual life. Human hands are partly responsible for our evolutionary growth from our past animal, primitive state to our present high-tech era. The hands are a projection of our soul-desire to interact and function on the physical plane, and it took million of years for this desire to manifest in the three-dimensional state. Prior to that, during the involutionary cycle, the creature called man lived in an etheric state and with a form devoid of any bodily appendages as recounted in Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine."

At least one ancient philosopher acknowledged the worth of the human hands: Aristotle called it the "organ of organs, the instruments of instruments." As one of the Karmaindriya, hands are the active agents of the cerebral system, and by extension, the human soul. It is what Immanuel Kant called "the visible part of the brain." The nature of our thoughts and emotions are reflected in ideodynamic movements of the hands that are normally visible with their gestures but at times goes unnoticed, or is invisible to the naked eye. Proof of this may be found in the occult art of dowsing where the imperceptible movement of the hand as motored by nerve impulses causes a pendulum to sway under direction of an unseen subconscious intelligence--the pendulum merely acting as an amplifier for the conscious aspect of the psyche.

Benjamin Walker in his book, "Body Magic," notes that no other part of the human body is so intimately related to human behavior than the hands. Hand movements are expressive of human thoughts, character, emotions, and attitudes. Graceful, flowing movements reveal a person who is generally poised and tranquil, a person with culture and refinement. In men, when these gestures are too exaggerated, or when they become too artificial, it indicates effeminate tendencies. A person with a dignified, noble character makes hand gestures quite differently from a person who is debased and boorish in nature. Aggressive hands can be seen by their violent and abrupt movements; just as materialistic subjects are known by their heavy, pendulous, impassive hands. A fidgety hand is reflective of a fidgety mind--someone with a nervous disposition and lacking a positive self-image. Such a person knows not how to control his energy. He releases it through unconscious drumming of his fingers and fiddling around with any available object. Limp hands betray the owner's lack of goals, self-confidence, and zeal for life. Individuals who have the habit of hiding their hands and closing their palms with their fingers reveals that they are secretive, cautious, and perhaps stingy. Hiding the hands behind the back have several possible meanings among which are prudence, restrain and observation or inspection. It is a diplomatic gesture and most nobles often unconsciously assume it.

Man not only differ from animals by possessing reason, he also differ from them by possessing hands that are able to fabricate things, to convey his intentions, to communicate his thoughts and feelings. Anthropoids may possess hands, but they lack a superior reason to take full advantage of them. Dolphins and other cetaceans may be equal or superior to man in spiritual unfoldment--according to modern New-Age thought--yet, without hands they do not have the ability to manifest certain forms of creativity. Perhaps they do not need to, it is not for us to debate over this here. We know that every life-form has its own uniqueness; and Man, in his own distinction can rightly be called "the builder" endowed as he is with the tools--his hands, to manifest his creative will. Herein lies the blessing or curse of man. With his hands he may build heaven on earth, or he may use it destructively to manifest chaos and anarchy--a hellish pandemonium that stalls evolutionary progress.

Understanding this religiously, man "the builder" constructs magnificent temples to worship his gods or representatives of his embodied ideals. That the hands may sometimes symbolize excessive mundane activity and focus to the detriment of spiritual unfoldment can be understood from the esoteric saying that the true spiritual aspirant ought to spend his time and forces building a temple "not made with hands." This in fact is what Freemasonry, one of the "esoteric brotherhoods" is all about. Though the body is regarded as a temple of the soul not made by mortal hands, a higher house of God, the Holy of Holies, the Sanctum Sanctorum, is meant in this spiritual precept. The brothers of this august fraternity through rites, rituals and ceremonial initiations are taught how to utilize carpenter's tools, esoterically understood, to build this fabulous celestial House of God in a spiritual dimension--the true "Temple of the Spirit," or to be more precise, the Causal body which relates to the many mystical symbols representing the Higher Self such as the Ark of the Covenant, the candelabra, the Holy Grail, the Philosopher's Stone, etc.

The Causal body is the lotus that forms the seat of every enlightened being as portrayed by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhist iconography. Though the Causal body is not built by mortal hands, personal effort in its fabrication is still required by worship, devotion, service, and spiritual exercises. We are essentially told in every religion that salvation lies in our own hands. The higher Intelligences will only assist us if we first help ourselves. No external aid is forthcoming if we refuse to take responsibility for our own liberation, salvation, enlightenment, or evolution. The saying of Jesus that heaven is "at hand," or approaching, may be construed to mean that heaven lies in our own grasp-"in our own hands," if we allow it to be so by working for it, by awakening to the Truth, to a higher awareness and consciousness. It entails personal responsibility. The New Jerusalem, King Solomon's Temple, the Causal body, the Diamond body, or whatever you may call that evolving spiritual body of the microcosm, must be perfected and made manifest on the physical plane through personal effort. Doubts of our own divine, heavenly nature prolongs the sleep of the ages and prevents us from cooperating with the Divine Architect. Later on in these series of articles we will apply the above precept literally and use our hands as mudras to awaken and unfold our divine potentials like the blossoming of a lotus flower.
Anatomy of the Hand

What is a hand? Below we quote from the Funk and Wagnall's Encyclopedia that explains this comprehensively:
The hand is explained to be a,
"terminal portion of the arms or anterior limbs of humans and other primates, especially adapted for grasping. The grasping appendages of other mammals and lower forms of animals are sometimes called hands in order to distinguish them from the feet of the hind limbs, but true hands appear only in the primates.
"Superficially the hand consists of a broad palm attached to the forearm by a joint called the wrist. At one side and at the outer edge of the palm are five digits, the thumb and four fingers. The thumb in humans is articulated so that it can be brought opposite to the fingers and thus be employed for grasping small objects. The fingers themselves can be folded forward over the palm for the holding of objects. The chief difference between the hands of humans and those of the other primates is that the thumbs of the latter cannot be opposed to the fingers.

"The human hand has 27 bones: the 8 bones of the carpus, or wrist, arranged in two rows of four; the 5 bones of the metacarpus, or palm, one to each digit; and the 14 digital bones, or phalanges, 2 in the thumb and 3 in each finger. The carpal bones fit into a shallow socket formed by the bones of the forearm.
"The movements of the human hand are accomplished by two sets of muscles and tendons: the flexors, for bending the fingers and thumb, and the extensors, for straightening out the digits. The flexor muscles are located on the underside of the forearm and are attached by tendons to the phalanges of the fingers. The extensor muscles are on the back of the forearm and are similarly connected. The human thumb has two separate flexor muscles that move the thumb in opposition and make grasping possible."

Four fingers and a thumb on each hand is the norm. There are cases though, when a person may have extra fingers or thumb on one or both hands. Technically, this anomaly is called polydactylism. What causes this is a mystery. According to one of the current scientific theories is that this is an atavistic condition, a genetic remnant of a bygone age that appears from time to time for an unknown reason. This anomaly not only occurs in human beings, they also appear in animals, and this the writer of this article can vouch for as he is well familiar with it personally. In his youth the writer once reared domestic chickens in his parents' farm--one had an upturned hind toe. Other than that she had the normal amount of toes on each foot. However, all of her progeny were polydactylies. They boasted five toes on the terminal part of each leg. According to popular superstition, extra digits in a hand is a sign of great good or evil. An extra finger on the right hand is supposed to bring good luck, ill-fortune if on the left. Six fingers on both hands indicates that its possessor will be famous or infamous in some way, like Gath, the Philistine giant mentioned in the Bible (1 Chr 20:6).

How does the occult scientist explain polydactylism? From the metaphysical point of view, we know that the physical body is a replica of the etheric body which is the blueprint of its physical counterpart. The structure of the etheric body is amendable to the will of the Higher Self and to a lesser extent to the psychological condition of the lower psyche. If a pregnant mother were shocked in some way, for instance, this could have a disastrous effect on the fetus or embryo disfiguring it in some way. Embryonic hands could possibly acquire extra digits as a result of its host's sudden experience of fright or terror. Another explanation of polydactylism is that for karmic reasons, the Higher Self manufactures a vessel in accord with the soul's spiritual needs. Whatever physical deformities it manifests in the physical form is for the teaching of the soul some required lesson. However, how does that apply to animals without a "soul"? As we have stated above the etheric body as blueprint of the physical form may be altered by the will. At a lower level of consciousness the imagination play a role in influencing the matrix that a higher intelligence has formed. The subconscious mind is likewise impressionable. What it perceives in a constant fashion it eventually outpictures in physical form. This is how creatures evolve camouflages on their physical forms. But how do these principles relate to our question above? In the case of animals, the evolution of their physical form and consciousness aspects are directed by what is called "group-spirits" in occultism.

These angelic spirits are always experimenting in producing forms that would best adapt to the environment so that the Law of Evolution may be best fulfilled. So abnormalities in nature are experiments done by the Directors of Nature. However, as the tale of Jacob (See Genesis) of how he influenced the nature of the wool of the sheep under his care would indicate, animals may likewise influence the form, or color of their own progeny through the power of their subconscious minds. Apropos to this, shamans are said to have the occult ability to shape-shift into various forms, just like the Greek god Proteus. But this most likely concerns the astral body.

One other anomaly are webbed hands. Although not too common, this atavistic characteristic does appear from time to time in human beings. In Buddhism, webbed hands and feet are one of the marks of a Buddha; this, however, should not be construed in a literal sense. Gaskell, the author of the "Dictionary of all Scriptures and Myth" interprets this as the " . . . as yet, fettered organs of action," or in other words, the emotional/mental glamour and illusions working through the senses, hands, feet, and sexual organ. Gaskell's interpretation actually does not make sense when we consider that a Buddha is supposed to be enlightened and to have transcended such mortal errors. A better interpretation in our opinion would be that webbed hands signify spiritual service in the cosmic sea of life.

One of the mysteries of nature regarding human hands is that there are plant-roots resembling them. These roots originate from several species of the Dactylorhiza orchids and is commonly called "Lucky-Hand Root." The number of digits vary from 3 to 10. It is normally carried in a pouch as an amulet or all-round lucky charm. Although the subject of charms and hand amulets are fascinating, they will not be discussed here; we will deal with them in another article.

The brain has more sets of nervous pathways leading to the hands than to any other part of the body. In stress and anxiety, the temperature of the hands increases and it readily becomes sweaty. Lie-detectors take advantage of this phenomenon by measuring the differences in the psychogalvanic skin response of subjects during their interrogation.

It is said that hands make more than a thousand different movements every day. A single repetitive motion of the hand may lead to serious injuries, as in the case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). This is the swelling of the tendons in the carpal tunnel and the compression of nerves resulting in numbness in the hand. Hands, especially the fingernails, are indicators of one's state of health. For instance, horizontal ridges on the fingernails may indicate malnutrition; pitted nails may be symptomatic of psoriasis; blue nails show problems in the circulation.
Function of the Hands

Hands may be used to bless or curse; to build or destroy, to harm or heal. It all depends upon how well man attunes himself and understands the Will of the Cosmos or his True Self. This reaching-out to a higher consciousness is symbolically depicted in the famous fresco painting by Michaelangelo upon the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in Rome. "Genesis: the Creation of Man" as it is called, shows Adam reaching out his hand attempting to touch the fingers of his Maker.

The banishment from the Garden of Eden or paradise is symbolic of man's descent upon a lower level of consciousness where he unwittingly lost contact with higher intelligences and alternate realities and thus forgot his spiritual roots and purpose of being. Just like Persephone who was abducted by Hades and brought to the netherworld, the soul of man is chained to a dark materialistic consciousness by his ignorance. Ceres, the mother of Persephone, or man's Christ nature ever seeks to redeem her or the human soul from the clutches of avidya, ignorance. Adam (the generic term for man), after consuming the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge was faintly aware of the existence of the Tree of Life of which he was previously oblivious. The "Lord," anxious that man would not consume this fruit prematurely, banished him from Paradise. Man's subsequent search for immortality became a powerful passion that millions of deaths have not diminished. Man must look in the proper direction for that which he now seeks. It is not to be found in the glamorous and illusory worlds of lower psychicism and materialism. Until the false ego and all that is mortal within man are given up, until all of that false sense of egoic grandeur be displaced by the expression of the Higher Self, man will not begin to sense the immortal life running through his course and subtle veins and realize that immortality is already his as a Cosmic inheritance.

As man is a reflection of God and the Universe, a veritable microcosm, so hands can well be said to be a miniature microcosm representing the physical man as a whole. For instance, we have the five elements represented in the fingers just as we have all of the organs in the body reflected in various parts of the hand. This is basically the science of reflexology originated in China by the ancient Taoists physicians and the practitioners of alchemy. These ancient doctors discovered that massage or pressure upon specific points of the feet and hands benefit other parts of the body and promote good circulation of the chi, or life-force.

Hands are often "read" for divinatory purposes and for determining the inner nature of their possessor. In China such analysis of the hand is called Shou Hsiang. In the West it is known as "palmistry" or "cheiromancy," or to give its more accurate name, cheirogrammeomancy. Related to this is "cheirogrammeognomy," "cheiromorphognomy," and "cheiromorphomancy," all of which concerns the study of the hand--its shape, features, lines, and qualities.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Match: Psychic, Supernatural, Clairvoyant

A person who engages in matchmaking sometimes as a profession. One who arranges or tries to arrange marriages.

Fortune telling, the practice of predicting the future through psychic means, such as interpretation of signs or communication with supernatural forces. Many people use astrology as a method of fortune telling. Other methods use palmistry, the practice of interpreting the lines in hands; cartomancy, the prediction of the future through communications using special cards such as tarot cards and necromancy, in which the people predict the future through communication with the dead. Some methods of fortune telling involve clairvoyance, the ability to perceive events or objects beyond the range of five senses. Although fortune telling has a little support in science, it still remains popular in many countries.

People have practiced various forms of fortune telling for thousands of years. It became the widespread practice in many ancient societies, particularly among rulers, who often sought advice from fortune tellers. In ancient China, for example the emperors had court astrologers and special diviners, who predicted the future using a set of sticks called the Yijing. In ancient Rome, special priests called augurs have predicted the future by interpreting certain signs in nature. The ancients Greeks consulted oracles, which supposedly learned of future events by communicating directly with the gods.

Matchmaker uses items to be predicting what will happen. Horoscopes and zodiac and astrology.

A Horoscope is the set of time for the event to be studied. The sign rising over the eastern horizon is known as the Rising sign as Ascendant and is the basis of the twelve houses that represent different areas of life. The ten planets, the Sun the Moon, Mercury, Venus, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto- are then placed in the houses and signs. Their location and aspects then provide the basis for interpretation.

Zodiac, imaginary belt in the celestial sphere, extending about 8 degrees on the other side of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun and Moon and of the other five planets that were known to the people in the ancient times. The zodiac is divided into 12 sections of 30 degrees each, which are called the signs of the zodiac. Starting with the vernal equinox and then proceeding eastwards along the ecliptic, each of the division is named after the constellation. The names of the zodiacal signs are: Aries the ram, Taurus the bull, Gemini the twins, Cancer the crab, Leo the lion, Virgo the virgin, Libra the balance, Scorpio the scorpion, Sagittarius the archer, Capricorn the goat, Aquarius the water bearer and the Pisces the fishes.

It is believed that the zodiacal signs originated in Mesopotamia as early as 2000 bc. The Greeks adopted the symbols from the Babylonians and passed them onto other civilizations. The Chinese also adopted the 12-fold division, but called the signs: the rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, serpent, horse, sheep, monkey, hen, dog and pig.
Astrology is a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs in which knowledge of the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters. A practitioner of astrology is called an astrologer or, less often, an astrologist.


Fate and Palmistry

Generally, in cases of palmistry, the questions asked are based on the following features:
1.Shape of Hand
2.Shape of Fingers
3.Shape of Nails
4.Life Line
5.Head Line
6.Heart Line
7.Fate Line
8.Fame Line.

These features represent the following:
Shape of Hand - Significance:
The shape of the hand and the fingers relates to hereditary influence of character and the disposition. There are certain types of hands which are also suited for one work more than any other.

Shape of Finger - Significance:
Your talents and qualities are well understood from the finger shapes.
Shape of Nails - Significance:
Want to know more about your general disposition and other hereditary traits, look out for your nail shapes.

Life Line
Vigor and length of your life are represented by your Life Line. It predicts your illness, death and many other important features that may affect you in your life.

The Life Line starts from the side of palm between the thumb and the index finger and extends across the middle of the palm towards the base of the hand.

Head Line
The mentality of a person is generally indicated by the Head Line. The intellectual strength or weakness related to talent is signified by this line.

The Head Line rises from just above the Life Line and extends across the hand.
Heart Line
Love and attraction of the sexes are indicated by your Heart Line. It reflects your humane and loving nature.

The Heart Line rises from the upper portion of the hand, just below the mounts of Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and Mercury (from base of index finger to base of little finger).

Fate Line
The Line of Fate or Destiny is the center upright line on the palm of the hand. All worldly affairs, result of your career, people who influence you, and ultimately the successes or failures is indicated by this line. It is prominently marked on conic and psychic hands, as they are firm believers in fate.

The Fate Line starts in the middle of the palm and continues towards the base of the middle finger.

Fame Line
Also known as the line of Apollo, the line of brilliancy or the line of success is the Fame Line. It is heavily marked on conic, spatulate and philosophic hands.

Running parallel to the Line of Fate is the Fame Line which starts from the base of hand and runs towards ring finger. Success is enhanced by this line as indicated by the line of Fate and also gives fame and distinction to our lives. Appreciation of art is also the indication of this line.

The palmist's use of his or her intuition becomes more and more easy as he or she becomes more experienced. In time, the palmist is able, almost without conscious thought, to decide which indicators must be taken with great seriousness and which can be virtually disregarded.


The Pregnancy Calculator And The Gender Of The Baby

There is an inborn curiosity in all human beings to know about their future. This wish has given birth to the many forecasting ways, i.e. astrology, palmistry, prophecy, crystal ball and so on. It is but common for the would-be parents to want to know the sex of the baby as soon as they learned about its existence.

Some Popular Myths about the Pregnancy Calculator
You must have seen people who glance briefly at a pregnant lady and say that she will have a girl, or a boy. Have you not wondered how do they do that? Read on to find out about some of the most common beliefs.

There is no scientific explanation as to why one woman looks radiant during her pregnancy while another looks dull and drab. But some say that when the woman looks radiant and beautiful they are pregnant with a baby girl.

If the stomach is small the baby is a boy. They say that the boys are usually very small, and normally grow fast after they are born. However, during the pregnancy, baby girls are larger, and thus this fact is manifested through a larger bulge of the belly.
The girl baby's heart rate is much higher than that of the boy, and hence one can make out whether it is a boy or a girl by listening to the heartbeats of the baby. While some midwives swear by this method, doctors are of the opinion that one cannot say whether it is really accurate or not, as it is has not been studied or documented anywhere.

You can use the Chinese Lunar pregnancy calculator to forecast the gender of the baby. Not only that, the couple can also plan (before conceiving) what gender baby they want to have. The Chinese pregnancy calculator is a table which indicates what gender baby will be conceived each month every year for women between 18-45 years of age.

There are many reports on the success and accuracy of gender prediction with this pregnancy calculator. Actually, the Chinese pregnancy calculator has become so popular, that now most parenting internet sites display it.

One cannot say, from scientific point of view, whether these unusual ways of determining the sex of the baby really work. For those who want to be sure, science prescribes the ultrasound test or the amniocentesis test which will accurately you tell the gender of the child.


Palmistry - Hand And Finger Combinations

Before reading the palm, look at the fingers to see if they're short or long. This isn't always easy to gauge when you're just beginning, but a little practice will enable you to assess the finger length at a glance.

The fingers are considered long if they can fold back and touch a spot at least seven-eights of the way along the palm. Unfortunately, there are exceptions, as some people have extremely flexible hands while others are very stiff. Also, someone with an extremely oblong palm may have long fingers that only reach halfway down the palm, as the palm itself is very long. With experience you'll be able to look at someone's palm and instantly know if the fingers are long or short.

The problem comes when you're first learning and find a hand with fingers that seem to be neither long nor short. Fortunately, we can cover that situation as well.

Long Fingers
If the fingers are long, the person pays attention to detail and you can say:
You enjoy complex work. You're patient and enjoy all the fiddly bits you like the details in things. Your work must be very consuming and gratifying. If it's too simple you lose interest very quickly.�

Short Fingers
Someone with short fingers is almost the opposite. They'll be more interested in the broad strokes rather than the details and won't have much patience.

You could say:
You're always busy. Sometimes you may start something new before you've finished the last task. You often have several things on the go at the same time. You tend to want everything right now, so patience is not your strong suit. Your impulsiveness has gotten you into trouble in the past. In some ways you are a jack-of-all-trades.�
Medium Length Fingers
Naturally, someone with fingers that are neither long nor short will fall into a middle category.

You might say:
At times you can be very patient. However, at other times you're inclined to jump first and think later. If something really interests you, you want to get right down to the bottom of it and work it all out. If it's only a passing interest, you're more inclined to skim over it and not learn it in much detail.�
We now have four possibilities to look at:
1. Square hands with short fingers
2. Square hands with long fingers
3. Oblong hands with short fingers
4. Oblong hands with long fingers
This is the classification used in Chinese palmistry. It comes from Fred Getting's monumental book, The Book of the Hand. The four types are named after the four elements of the ancients:

Fire, Earth, Air and Water. These relate very well to the descriptions of the Fire, Earth, Air and Water signs of astrology, but it does not necessarily mean that a Sagittarian (a Fire sign), would have a Fire hand. You'll find people with all four types of hands in every sign of the Zodiac.

The four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water
Fire Hands
Fire is hot, energizing and constantly moving. It can provide gentle heat, but can also burn. Consequently it needs careful handling. A Fire hand is oblong with short fingers. Someone with a hand like this is likely to be emotional, enthusiastic and creative. The short fingers mean a dislike for detail. The long palm adds intuition.

For someone with a hand like this you might say:
You have a great mind, full of wonderful ideas. These ideas excite you. Your enthusiasm may not last for long, but it's extremely important to you at the time. Your emotions can be a bit hard to handle at times, but they enable you to experience life to the fullest. Details are not your strong point and you tend to prefer the overall picture to the fiddly bits. You are likely to be creative and need to be busy to be happy.

Earth Hands
Earth is the dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens on earth is subject to the natural rhythms of germination, growth, death and decay. Earth is timeless and expresses stability.

However, below its surface all sorts of changes are constantly occurring. This can lead to earthquakes and other upheavals. The Earth hand is very like the practical hand. It consists of a square palm and short fingers.

People with this type of hand are reliable, down-to-earth and practical. They enjoy repetitive work and are good with their hands. They enjoy rhythm. They are conservative, reserved and possessive.

However, like earth itself, they can also react violently if they deem it necessary.
You might say to someone with Earth hands:
You're a hard worker. You enjoy physical challenges and your hands can think for themselves. You can be stubborn at times, and you don't easily change your mind. You enjoy rhythm and movement. You're not usually good with details, unless you're making something. You probably prefer working outdoors, doing something practical. You're reliable, honest and somewhat reserved.

Air Hands
Air is essential for life. We take it for granted and seldom notice it, except on windy days. Air is also essential for communications, as it carries sound waves. Creatures of the air, such as birds and flying insects, are fast moving and active.

The Air hand consists of a square palm and long fingers. These people tend to use logic more than intuition. They're quick-witted and express themselves clearly. They enjoy communicating and often have careers that utilize their skills.

Their strong emphasis on logic means these people tend to distrust emotions, both their own and other people's.
We could say something along these lines to someone with Air hands:
You're intelligent, clear-thinking and discriminating. Relationships are important to you, but you sometimes find logic getting in the way of your feelings. You're reliable and like to do things completely. You're a stimulating companion and life is never dull when you're around.

Water Hands
Finally, water. If you think about it, water is essentially still. Other forces have to act upon it to make it change. It's also shapeless as it simply moves to fill up whatever space is available.

The Moon has a strong influence on water, creating the tides in our oceans. The saying, still waters run deep�, is very pertinent to the Water hand. The Water hand consists of an oblong palm with long fingers. It's sometimes called the intuitive hand, as these people are extremely aware and receptive.

People with this type of hand are changeable, impressionable and emotional. They're idealistic and highly imaginative.

To someone with water hands, you could say:
You have an extremely rich inner life. Your imagination is keen and you fantasize about just about everything. You can be influenced by others, so you're flexible with your ideas. Your intuition is strong. You're emotional. If you're interested in someone, you love spending time with them. You also need time by yourself to reflect on your own life. You are happiest inside the right relationship with someone to depend and rely upon


How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back In Your Life

You want to get your ex back? Do you still have strong feelings for them? How are you supposed to go about getting them back into your life? That is a really common query, sadly, because breakups are rather common and most of them are painful, nerve-wrangling and very difficult to deal with. It is most important that you know what action to take and how to be if what you want is to get your ex back through the best way after a breakup. Regardless of how traumatic the split itself is, there are steps you can take towards fixing the relationship between you and your ex. Here are a few tips for stuff to use and also a few flags for situations to keep clear of when it comes to trying to figure out the right way to get your ex back right now.

Tips -
- First and foremost, you need to be yourself. Never act like somebody else because you think it will help you be loved or appreciated more. It doesn't work in time to fake that you are some one else, so drop the mask and act like you if you would like to get your ex back straight away.

- Do not appear to try it on with his friends, or hit on his best friend. It'll hurt your ex's idea of you badly if you are flirting with anyone, but if you're flirting with his friends, you will make things a great amount worse. Some people may use flirting as a form of revenge against an ex, but you don't want him to get the wrong impression when you want to get your ex back.

- Do not be afraid to let him know that you still hold a torch for him. Don't be like you can't exist without him, but in order to get your ex back do not be afraid to express your feelings a little. Tell him what your thoughts in a clear and honest way. Be honest to both him and yourself as well. Let him understand that you really want this to work, as he might want it to work as much as you do.
Look out -

- On and off dating is a position which might be heart breaking, and may even be sometimes abusive in nature. You are going to want to make certain that your reasons for getting back together are the right ones and you are going to want to make certain that his plans are genuine as well in order for everything to work out for both of you.

- It is crucial that you do not forget which factors led to the heart break in the 1st instance. Was it your husband using you? Did you argue all the time? If you do not remember the issues that led up to the original breakup between the two of you, you can't really learn from them or get past these problems in order to help the growth of a healthier, happier and longer lasting relationship the second time around..

Read these tips and you can work towards recreating a romance with your ex partner, making your relationship one that's stronger than before so you will be happier when you do get your ex back. You must understand these are just some of the necessary recommendations to help answer the age old question "how do I get my ex back". Above all be honest with your ex every step of the way and concentrate on a new start instead of dwelling on old wounds. Take the time to find out everything you can learn the tricks to get your ex back.