Thursday, January 29, 2009


Chirognomy Fortune Teller

hirognomy is a branch of palmistry where we individually can predict some basic things about ourselves and about our nature. Chirognomy deals with the shape, size and other things related to our hands and fingers.

Masculine and Feminine Hands:
It is very much possible to assess the proportion of male and female within a human being from their hands. When we are considering the whole hand, the fact that the hand looks delicate, does not necessarily mean that the person is feminine. The same with the males - a strong, sturdy hand does not indicate a masculine property.
Generally speaking, the round shaping on the hands and fingers suggests female attributes, whereas square shaping on the hand and fingers suggests masculine attributes.

Shape of Hands:
There are several basic types of hand shapes: the square, the conical, the knotty, the pointed and the spatulate.
The square hand enjoys order and regularity, while the conical or artistic hand has a strong tendency towards sensuality and aesthetics.
The knotty or philosophical hand belongs to the analyst and meditator whereas the pointed hand is the least practical, revealing a tendency towards the abstract and generally indicating that such people should never be in a position of authority.
Finally, the spatulate hand's main characteristics are action, movement and energy.

Color of the Palm:
a.Very pale skin on palm: selfish and could suffer from bad circulation.
b.Yellow skin on palm: morbid and could suffer from bilious attacks.
c.Pink and mottled skin on palm: cheerful disposition and well balanced.
d.Red skin on palm: quick-tempered.
e.Very red skin on palm: violent disposition, should watch out for Blood Pressure.
f.Silky skin on palm: tendency to gout and rheumatism.
g.Dry skin on palm: runs temperature easily, prone to fevers.
h.Damp skin on palm: ill-balanced moral nature, prone to liver and kidney disorders.

Hair on the Hand:
a.Hairy hands on women: mannish and cruel.
b.Hairy hands on a man: energetic and sexy.
c.Very hairy hands on a man: violent nature.
d.No hair on a man's hand: effeminate and passive.
e.Light-colored hair on hands: passionless.
f.Dark hair on hands: passionate disposition.
g.Reddish-colored hair on hands: excitable nature.

Hand according to sign:
Air Sign: Aquarius/ Gemini/ Libra - Round hands with conic type fingers.
Fire Sign: Aries/ Leo/ Sagittarius - Long hands with short thick fingers.
Water Sign: Pisces/ Cancer/ Scorpio - Long hands with long thin fingers.
Earth Sign: Taurus/ Virgo/ Capricorn - Square hands with square fingers.

The left hand is used to determine events and character traits and is called The Hand of Destiny. It is hand of hereditary factors. The other hand shows how your life develops and what you make of your potential.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Palmistry Kerala

The word Palmistry that is widely used nowadays is a practice of hand reading or fortune telling. It has a wide history that exists more than hundred years.

According to spiritual aspect of life, the future of a person is destined on the Karma of the person or the Karma of others. In modern world, there are a large number of believers as per the eager to know about the future. Still there are many positive and negative sides to this practice.

Chirognomy- the type of hand reading introduced by D'Arpentigny in late 1700's where the hands are grouped in different shapes created a new foundation for hand reading.
Dermatoglyphics- it is a deep study of the different ridges on the hand.
Chirology- the modern type of hand reading that includes chiromancy, chirognomy and Dermatoglyphics.

Importance of color in Palmistry:
- White hands: lack of blood circulation
- Pink hands: good health
- Red hands: High blood pressure
- Blue hands: Sluggish blood circulation

Palmist find right hand more important than left hand as it shows the present condition and the left shows the past. The four major lines on the hands are the life line, the head line, the fate line and the heart line.

Each and every part of the palms are important for palm reading.
Spatulate fingertips- people who like to work abroad and goes on traveling.
Square fingertips- person with well order
Long index finger- persons with managerial powers and can take decisions
Short Index finger- person who likes to work alone
Swirl finger prints- artists
Arch finger prints- often works on special skills
Air hands- are good communicators, often work in the area of media
Hands with missing fate line- have some unique quality
Closed fingers- hard working employee
Wide gaped fingers- may be a problematic employee

Palmistry is closely related to health. The different physiological aspects of hand show the anatomical problems of a person.


Are you Healer Magic

Are you a healer? If you're reading this, you probably are. With so much tumultuous change in the world, healers are needed more than ever. Many healers, however, are reluctant to step into their power and surrender to their gifts. It requires enormous trust in one's inner voice to head the call as well as the ability to not let the noise of "others" stop you from following your own truth.


In the world of hand analysis (non-predictive palmistry), the mark of the gifted healer is a series of vertical lines on the palm that appear in the area beneath the pinky and ring finger. If you have four or more of these vertical lines, you very likely possess a healer gift marking.

Also, the fingerprint on your left pinky finger tip could reveal your life purpose as that of the gifted healer!


To be a "healer" means that you possess the ability to help others hear their own inner voice. You can see the soul yearning of another and help that person connect back to their authentic truth and desire.

It is a gift of inspirational communication. Communication is both listening and speaking. You are a gifted communicator and when you communicate, either by listening, or by sharing your wise counsel, advice or brilliant questions, you create a feeling of inspiration. It is in this environment of inspiration that healing happens. To "heal" means to become whole and complete within one's own being.


Healers, more than any other group of people on the planet, want and need to have a deep, profound, 'love of a lifetime' intimate relationship. This is the ultimate place to communicate, yes? And to be intimate, according to Webster's dictionary, is to "communicate your innermost self to another."

Well, here's the secret - if you are a healer and you are NOT doing your healing work, you WILL have intimacy issues of the most baffling, painful, unruly sort: communication breakdown, brick walls between you and partner, isolation, stagnation, loneliness, lack of sufficient closeness and affection. So to remedy this, get on with your healing work. The relationships will take care of themselves. You are a master at intimacy. Ah! But with one caveat - the challenge is to first learn to be intimate with yourself.

Do you trust your intuition? Do you act on your inner guidance? Do you go against 'group think' and stand true to yourself?


The question I hear most often from healers is, "But how can I make any money being a healer?" Well, if you are gifted healer and not using this gift, chances are you are facing some interesting financial challenges any way. There is no way around a gift - if you don't use it, you face the penalty. For the reluctant healer, it is loneliness, isolation, stagnation, and the fear of surrender. In other words, if not now, when? What will it take for you to trust yourself? How many more unsatisfactory relationships, or lack thereof, do you want to endure?


If you possess this gift, it's tattooed on your forehead. You may not realize you have it, but everyone around you does. You are the go-to person for relationship dilemmas, power struggles, and cheerleading. You provide a safe haven for folks to pour out their troubles and, in the process, find a next step for their journey.

It doesn't matter what healing modality you choose or are currently working in - the questions are the same:

* Who do you most want to assist? (your ideal client)

* How do you want to assist them? (counseling, acupuncture, massage, astrology, financial coaching, etc.)

* Where do you want to be in one year with your healing gift?

What has stopped you in the past from using your innate talents?

If you are working as a healer, how can you step ever more fully into your gifts? (What's the next level for you as a healer?)


Palmistry for Marriage Love

Palmistry for marriage compatibility is a science that applies the art of hand-reading to test how suit a couple is for one another. This guides their decision before they choose to walk down the aisle with the wrong partner. It is ironic that marriage is one of the greatest social institutions which is meant to solve various problems but it is sad that it ends up being one of the major social problems. A happy marriage based on a sound foundation is constituted by perhaps only three factors. The most paramount one is the right choice of a partner. This is where many people go wrong since they base their marriage on lust and passion. They barely take their time to meditate about their significant other. The second factor to consider is the natural personal attitude towards life and one's partner. The right attitude towards work, religion and family is very important in a mate. The last one is discussed a lot which off course is a harmonious and consistent sex life.

Palmistry for marriage compatibility is a very wise phenomenon since it helps in accessing the sexual passion in a mate. Love and romance sets the foundation of a happy married life for the couple. If you use palmistry to test your mate's passion then you will be in a position to tell your sexual compatibility before you decide on marriage. It is a belief among the learned people that sex education leads to better and predictable sexual compatibility but i beg to disagree. Many professional people like doctors, nurses and biologists have have plenty of sexual knowledge and yet they also face sexual problems. Most illiterate laborers may be ignorant about sex education and yet they satisfactorily enjoy their sex life in marriage. People need to understand that the small general arts in life such as the art of hand reading is all they need to concentrate in to live a simple happy life.

To use palmistry for marriage compatibility examination, begin with the skin texture. Massage the palm softly while feeling the skin of the hand by your thumb finger. The feeling of the skin texture may be soft, normal or hard and dry. If soft skin is detected, this indicates that the person has developed aesthetic sense and hard dry skin indicates the lack of it. A point to note is that a soft skin does not guarantee good morals and hard skin does not indicate low morals. Another hand-reading technique is the consistent thickness of the palm. The thickness standards indicate the power of emotions. The capacity to feelings is related to this hand thickness. A guy with thicker hands has higher chances of building a happy successful marriage compared to one with thin hands. A guy with thin hands may be cold and insensitive. That family warmth generated by emotions might be lacking. A woman with too thick flesh on her hands may attribute her thinking to her emotions. This might start a marriage problem if the emotional demands are unrealistic.


Palmistry for Successful Relationships

Successful romantic relationships are the key to a happy and fulfilling life. It is a better option to use palmistry for successful relationships than use fake theories which use a lot of your energy for nothing. The techniques of hand-reading are very simple and exciting since the feedback is instant. For instance the consistency of the thickness of the hand is effortless and pleasurable. The connection between the hand thickness and its consistency is very high. The resistance of the palm muscles is used to judge its consistency. Use your both hands to hold her hand tightly and press the muscle using the thumb on various palm regions. The hand consistency is broadly divided into being elastic, hard or soft.

The consistency is said to be hard if the palm muscles do not respond to the thumb finger pressure. This shows that it is composed of tough massive muscles. This is an indication that the emotional being present in that person is primitive, rigid and non compromising in any situation. Consistency is said to be elastic if the thumb pressure is counteracted with less resistance of the muscles. This is an indication of good emotions quality in that particular person. The consistency is soft when the palm muscles offer no resistance to the thumb pressure. The flabby flesh shows indolence and sensuousness at their extremes. Consistency of the palm thickness as a technique of palmistry for successful relationships works wonders in determining a dating couples destiny.

It is possible to use palmistry for successful relationships if you are keen on reading the thumb finger. It gives considerably enough information about the quality of love a partner is likely to offer. A strong thumb speaks for equally strong sentimental attributes. The thumb will expose the knowledge about one's focus in love matters. It easy to tell whether the person is monogamous or polygamous by nature. A strong thumb indicates a lot of focus and such a person concentrates his/her love on one partner. Such a man will love a woman not for mere sex but because of many good diverse factors. All the forces are oriented towards his object of love. Such a person makes a good relationship. For a weak thumb, the opposite is true.

The better the shape of the thumb, the more decency and polish is employed when it comes to making love. If the thumb is hard or course the sex will be rough and in its uncultured and most primitive form. If the thumb is not rigid or if it is flexible, this interprets to love instability. The love is not so constant. In other words the person's sentiments keep shifting. They generously give out love for little returns. As long as they love they are known to be splendid lovers. The problem is they find it hard to focus on one subject for a long period of time. Stiff thumb is more promising in constant love and stability. While using palmistry for successful relationships, remember stability varies in degree and you should not dismiss the idea of marrying the person with a supple thumb. If you are the type of people who are uncomfortable with too much attention and dating jealousy people, he is the one for you.


Spell Fear For Fortune

I've been thinking about this question a lot lately: "What's the REAL reason we have fear?" Why? Because I've been having more fear than usual. Why? I'm doing things that are new in my business and thus, I'm in unfamiliar territory. You've probably heard these explanations for the root of your fear more than once:

* You're out of your comfort zone

* You need more information

* You fear the unknown

* You lack courage

* You lack focus

* You lack self-confidence

And that's just a short list! While all of those reasons are potentially valid depending upon the situation, I'd like to dig a little deeper, using your fingerprints as our map through fear. Your fingerprints reveal several aspects of your soul, and one of those aspects is your Life Lesson. Your Life Lesson is your blind spot, your gremlin, your nemesis, your "negative tapes." Your Life Lesson could be one or a combination of these issues:

* panic caused by a life out of balance (everything is an *emergency*)

* anxiety making decisions

* not expressing your authentic feelings due to the perceived expectations of others

* sacrificing yourself into burdensome obligation

* lack of clarity about your definition of success

* challenges owning your power in the world

* challenges managing your energy, time and money

* challenges expressing your creativity

* challenges speaking up for your self

* challenges with your family and community (on a life scale)

* challenges finding your passion and dealing with victimization, shame and numbness

* challenges finding your niche due to guilt ("If I succeed, it takes away from others." THAT kind of guilt)

* paralyzing fear of rejection

* trust/surrender/intimacy issues with anything: other people, food, money, etc.

If you look at the above list, are there one or two Life Lessons that really stand out for you? My Life Lesson is "not expressing my authentic feelings due to the perceived expectations of others." Sooooo... now I'm doing new and different things with my business - and what do I fear? You guessed it! I fear what other people think and feel about me. (I recognize I have no control over what others think and feel about me. But it doesn't make my lesson any less painful for the knowing.) If you follow any fear to its natural conclusion, the fear is a painful outcome - humiliation, shame, excommunication, torture, fire, starvation, annihilation, etc. You think I'm kidding? I'm not kidding. THAT'S why we get so afraid about making that important phone call, closing the sale, standing up to our mother or father or our children.

Our Life Lesson is the surface issue that trips us up - it acts, amazingly enough, as a PROTECTION mechanism. What lies below that surface issue is our fear of not surviving. Fear lives in our mid-brain or *reptile brain* and it runs on instinct. All our crocodile brain knows is that if you step into the "Life Lesson Zone," something scary is going to happen.

And then the drama begins. You get distracted, you procrastinate, you have no money, you have no time... The drama is the crocodile brain's way of keeping you from FACING your Life Lesson and hence, learning it. By not facing the Life Lesson, our crocodile brain achieves ITS goal of keeping us stuck. When we learn our Life Lesson, we actualize our Life Purpose.


Number for Future

There are so many people who always remain curious to know about their future. To cater the needs of these people, there are so many specialists available who offer specific readings pertaining to their future. There are different things and arts that can help people to unveil many things. There is Palmistry, there is Tarot card reading, there is astrology and there is numerology.

Numerology is different in a sense that it may not give you some discreet ideas about the things which will be happening in future, but, it can tell you some tips and tricks to make your present even better.

Numerology is considered to be metaphysical science and it can be related to astrology, in one way or the other. But, there are few certain distinctions between the two things. Numerology is basically a method or a thought pattern that have been designed by different people to find out its effects on living objects. Numerology is around for many years and it enjoys a really long history. However, today, you can find different forms of numerology which exist in toady's world.

There are few new forms and few of them have really originated from the older ones. Also, there are different theories and methods which can change according to culture of a country. It is one of the reasons that you can see some variations in methods and theories in numerology in Japan or India or other European countries. However, most of its forms describe the relationship between digits and their vibrations that can, then, be related to living objects to get to some conclusions about specific things.

There is an oldest form of numerology which is known as Chaldean numerology or simply "Mystic Numerology". In this system, the basic idea will remain the same, but, allocation of digits will differ a bit. Here, letters are assigned different digits according to their predetermined vibrations which complicate things a little. It is because of these complications that it takes time to learn this system of numerology. However, there are some other systems which are easier than this.

When you will go to west, you will find numerology in different forms as people their try to compare different systems with their own. However, Pythagorean Numerology is one of those types which are really popular in western countries.

In this numerology system, you will again create the relationship between things in accordance with digits. Precisely, this numerology system diverts its attention toward the relationship between name and date of birth and assist in making some solid conclusions about the compatibility of both of things and about their effects on people.

Also, this system assigned different numbers to different letters and then studies the relationship. People are really interested in this numerology system as this system is relatively easier to learn. However, it can, still, take some time to master the art of numerology to predict the right things. Pythagorean numerology, however, is center of attractions in western country which is the creation of a Greek philosopher named as Pythagoras.

All in all, it can easily be deduced that there are several numerological systems that people in different countries practice. However, this is one of those arts that fast becoming more and more popular all over the world.


Finger Tell Fortune


Before reading the palm, look at the fingers to see if they’re short or long. This isn’t always easy to gauge when you’re just beginning, but a little practice will enable you to assess the finger length at a glance.

The fingers are considered long if they can fold back and touch a spot at least seven-eights of the way along the palm. Unfortunately, there are exceptions, as some people have extremely flexible hands while others are very stiff. Also, someone with an extremely oblong palm may have long fingers that only reach halfway down the palm, as the palm itself is very long. With experience you’ll be able to look at someone’s palm and instantly know if the fingers are long or short.

The problem comes when you’re first learning and find a hand with fingers that seem to be neither long nor short. Fortunately, we can cover that situation as well.

Long Fingers

If the fingers are long, the person pays attention to detail and you can say:
You enjoy complex work. You’re patient and enjoy all the fiddly bits you like the details in things. Your work must be very consuming and gratifying. If it’s too simple you lose interest very quickly.”

Short Fingers

Someone with short fingers is almost the opposite. They’ll be more interested in the broad strokes rather than the details and won’t have much patience.

You could say:

You’re always busy. Sometimes you may start something new before you’ve finished the last task. You often have several things on the go at the same time. You tend to want everything right now, so patience is not your strong suit. Your impulsiveness has gotten you into trouble in the past. In some ways you are a jack-of-all-trades.”

Medium Length Fingers

Naturally, someone with fingers that are neither long nor short will fall into a middle category.

You might say:

At times you can be very patient. However, at other times you’re inclined to jump first and think later. If something really interests you, you want to get right down to the bottom of it and work it all out. If it’s only a passing interest, you’re more inclined to skim over it and not learn it in much detail.”

We now have four possibilities to look at:

1. Square hands with short fingers
2. Square hands with long fingers
3. Oblong hands with short fingers
4. Oblong hands with long fingers

This is the classification used in Chinese palmistry. It comes from Fred Getting’s monumental book, The Book of the Hand. The four types are named after the four elements of the ancients:

Fire, Earth, Air and Water. These relate very well to the descriptions of the Fire, Earth, Air and Water signs of astrology, but it does not necessarily mean that a Sagittarian (a Fire sign), would have a Fire hand. You’ll find people with all four types of hands in every sign of the Zodiac.

The four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water

Fire Hands

Fire is hot, energizing and constantly moving. It can provide gentle heat, but can also burn. Consequently it needs careful handling. A Fire hand is oblong with short fingers. Someone with a hand like this is likely to be emotional, enthusiastic and creative. The short fingers mean a dislike for detail. The long palm adds intuition.

For someone with a hand like this you might say:

You have a great mind, full of wonderful ideas. These ideas excite you. Your enthusiasm may not last for long, but it’s extremely important to you at the time. Your emotions can be a bit hard to handle at times, but they enable you to experience life to the fullest. Details are not your strong point and you tend to prefer the overall picture to the fiddly bits. You are likely to be creative and need to be busy to be happy.”

Earth Hands

Earth is the dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens on earth is subject to the natural rhythms of germination, growth, death and decay. Earth is timeless and expresses stability.

However, below its surface all sorts of changes are constantly occurring. This can lead to earthquakes and other upheavals. The Earth hand is very like the practical hand. It consists of a square palm and short fingers.

People with this type of hand are reliable, down-to-earth and practical. They enjoy repetitive work and are good with their hands. They enjoy rhythm. They are conservative, reserved and possessive.
However, like earth itself, they can also react violently if they deem it necessary.

You might say to someone with Earth hands:

You’re a hard worker. You enjoy physical challenges and your hands can think for themselves. You can be stubborn at times, and you don’t easily change your mind. You enjoy rhythm and movement. You’re not usually good with details, unless you’re making something. You probably prefer working outdoors, doing something practical. You’re reliable, honest and somewhat reserved.”

Air Hands

Air is essential for life. We take it for granted and seldom notice it, except on windy days. Air is also essential for communications, as it carries sound waves. Creatures of the air, such as birds and flying insects, are fast moving and active.

The Air hand consists of a square palm and long fingers. These people tend to use logic more than intuition. They’re quick-witted and express themselves clearly. They enjoy communicating and often have careers that utilize their skills.

Their strong emphasis on logic means these people tend to distrust emotions, both their own and other people’s.

We could say something along these lines to someone with Air hands:

You’re intelligent, clear-thinking and discriminating. Relationships are important to you, but you sometimes find logic getting in the way of your feelings. You’re reliable and like to do things completely. You’re a stimulating companion and life is never dull when you’re around.”

Water Hands

Finally, water. If you think about it, water is essentially still. Other forces have to act upon it to make it change. It’s also shapeless as it simply moves to fill up whatever space is available.

The Moon has a strong influence on water, creating the tides in our oceans. The saying, still waters run deep”, is very pertinent to the Water hand. The Water hand consists of an oblong palm with long fingers. It’s sometimes called the intuitive hand, as these people are extremely aware and receptive.

People with this type of hand are changeable, impressionable and emotional. They’re idealistic and highly imaginative.

To someone with water hands, you could say:

You have an extremely rich inner life. Your imagination is keen and you fantasize about just about everything. You can be influenced by others, so you’re flexible with your ideas. Your intuition is strong. You’re emotional. If you’re interested in someone, you love spending time with them. You also need time by yourself to reflect on your own life. You are happiest inside the right relationship with someone to depend and rely upon.”


Hearth Love Hand

Your hand changes throughout your life. The lines you see in your palm today are not quite the same as they were a year ago and probably very different from five years ago.

Although your hand gives an outline of your life, it’s only a tentative outline. You have the final decision on the course your life will take. Whether you want the position or not, you’re the captain of your own destiny.

Palmistry, like a doctor examination, is strictly a diagnostic reading. It can point out the forces that operate within you, and it can point out the logical results of these forces. You can accept them as they are or begin to change them.

As with the Tarot, be very careful in your phrasing of what you see in a person’s palm. Some lines may show a particular area in which your subject has very serious problems. This should be presented as oean area of possible weakness and something for which you should be particularly watchful.”

On a few occasions you may encounter a particular combination of lines which indicates a premature death. If this is the case, don’t blurt out what you see. Rather, emphasize the need for great care to avoid illness, accidents, violence or whatever the rest of the hand may seem to imply as possible causes. Remember, palmistry is only a diagnosis it’s never a final pronouncement.

As a palmist, your attitude is of great importance. Never try to oesecond guess” your subject by adding on-the-spot observations and facts you know from beforehand. Only read the palm. Ideally you should know nothing whatsoever about the person you’re reading. Their hands and your intuition should be enough.


The Heart Lines (various ending positions)

The heart line governs our emotional lives and shows how we relate to others. It’s the major line nearest the fingers. It runs across the palm, starting under the little finger
and usually ends in the area between the first and second finger.

Physical Heart line

If the Heart Line forms a gentle curve, starting under the little finger and ending between the first and second fingers, it’s known as the Physical Heart Line.
People with Physical Heart Lines are generally able to express their feelings well. Although they suffer their share of ups and downs, they pick themselves up quickly and get on with their lives. They’re likely to express their feelings in a physical, assertive manner. You could say to someone with this type of heart line:

As your heart line ends right up under the fingers, it shows that you have an open nature and can express your innermost feelings. You’re warm and affectionate. When things go wrong you manage to pick yourself up quickly.”

Mental Heart Line

The other type of heart line is the Mental (or Humanitarian) Heart Line. This runs in a straight line right across the palm of the hand and does not curve at the end.

People with Mental Heart Lines find it hard to express their innermost feelings. They’ll suffer in silence rather than make a scene. They’ll have plenty of romantic feelings which take
precedence over common sense. They’re very sensitive and need plenty of room around them. You might say to these people:

You have a heart line that comes straight across your palm. This is known as a Mental Heart Line, and makes it rather difficult for you to express your innermost feelings.

It will gradually become easier for you, but you have to work at it. You can be sensitive at times and possibly bottle things up a bit. You like people, but you need to have room around you at the same time.”

As this line governs the emotions it’s common to find one with defects, as all of us have ups and downs at different times in our lives. The most common visible signs of trauma are a series of islands on the heart line.

These islands indicate a period of difficulty. Generally, the problems stem from a relationship. This makes it very easy to
determine if someone had an unhappy marriage followed by a happy one. In this case, the earlier part of the person life (the part nearest the little finger) will have a multitude of islands, while the rest of the line will be clear.

Ending Positions

The Heart Line’s end location is extremely important. Ideally, it should end between the first and second finger. This gives a balance between the ego (represented by the first finger) and the rest of humanity. People with this are realistic about their emotional life and don’t have impossible expectations.

If the line ends on or directly under the first finger, the person will be idealistic and easily hurt. Other people will seldom live up to their expectations, leading to frequent

If the heart line ends on, or directly under the second finger, the person is inclined to be selfish and think only of themselves and their own personal gratification. They’ll lack emotional involvement.

Often, you will find a heart line that forks in two directions at the end. This person has a complex emotional nature. He or she will see both sides of a situation.

The Girdle of Venus

Every so often you’ll find a Girdle of Venus. This line is often made up of a series of disjointed small lines. It runs parallel to the Heart Line and is located between the Heart Line and the fingers. This indicates an extremely sensitive and highly emotional


Cheiromancy Psychic

Palmistry, or Cheiromancy is a very popular and accurate way of divining.

Leic de Hamon (Louis Hamon, aka Cheiro), the famous nineteenth century palmist was named Cheiro after it.

Palmistry The art of Palmistry can be traced back as far as the Stone Ages. Pictures of human hands are frequently found in cave drawings, indicating their special interest in this part of the body. These paintings can be seen in the Lascaux Caves in France, the remarkable Santander caves in Spain and in several caves in Africa.

The ancient Vedic scriptures contained an abundance of information on palmistry. K.C. Sen, an eminent Indian palmist, says the earliest writings on palmistry were ancient Sanskrit. These verses have been preserved and are still guarded from the public eye. Cheiro, the famous palmist, claimed to have seen one of these manuscripts in the early 1900’s.

Palmistry is also mentioned favourably in the Old Testament:

�oe...and he said, Wherefore doth my lord thus pursue after his servant? for what have I done? of what evil is in my hand?” 1 Samuel 26:18.

�oeHe sealeth up the hand of every man, that all men may know his work.” Job 37:7.

�oeLength of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor”. Proverbs 3:16.

�oeBehold, I have graven thee on the palms of my hands, thy walls are continually before me” Isaiah 49:16)

Before the birth of Buddha in 563 B.C., leading seers of the time gathered at the royal palace. They were drawn by extraordinary indications revealed in the stars. They were ecstatic to find the mark of the wheel on Buddha’s hands and feet, indicating his future greatness. Palmists in India still look for this special mark in the palms of babies.

Gypsies came into the picture around the eleventh century, though they had been practising palmistry for centuries before.

Sigismund, the Holy Roman Emperor, enlisted the gypsies as spies.

Word of this soon spread and when Gypsies arrived at the gates of Paris in 1427 they were not allowed inside. However, the citizens of the city, intrigued and excited by these romantic strangers, rushed outside to have their fortunes told.

The tradition of crossing a Gypsy’s palm with silver, dates back to this era.

The church claimed the Gypsies were in league with the Devil. To counter this, the Gypsies explained that the Devil was afraid of both silver and the sign of the cross. Therefore, if you made a sign of the cross over a Gypsy’s hand with silver you would be protected. Needless to say, the gypsies kept the silver.

Interest in using palmistry for psychological analysis is a product of the last century. The first major work on this subject was Julius Spier’s The Hands of Children, which appeared in 1944. Not surprisingly, the introduction was written by Carl Jung. This was quickly followed by works from Noel Jaquin, Charlotte Wolf, and in 1990, by Andrew Fizherbert.

Since the Second World War, research on palm patterns has been going on at the Kennedy Galton Centre near London. This research has lead scientists to confirm that health factors can be determined in the hand.

The current research into dermatoglyphics (the study of skin patterns) is potentially the most exciting development in the history of palmistry.

Although palmistry dates back to the Stone Ages, its greatest period is just beginning. Now that scientists are proving its validity, palmistry may very soon become a main stream reality.


Palmistry is a science based on the study of the hands. It can help individuals in self-discovery, relationships, career options, recovery from depression and a host of other self development issues.

It’s up to the individual to discover all the opportunities that present themselves when the world is viewed from a perspective of knowledge instead of chaos.

One of the unique characteristics of palmistry is handprints taken at different times in a person’s life, provide palm readers with �oebefore” and �oeafter” snap shots of the individual’s progress through time.

This can be a great tool to chart the progress in attitude/habit forming and help pinpoint specific conditions in an individual’s life. This can help the individual see how a certain belief or habit was formed in their life and help them to change or modify their belief or habit.

Your Life Is In Your Hands

Palmistry, like a doctor’s examination, is strictly a diagnostic reading. It can point out the forces that operate within individuals, and summarize the logical results of these forces. They can be accepted as they are, or can be changed over time.

Why Palmistry?

Why use Palmistry in the first place? The most logical reason is most individuals have at least one hand. It’s convenient and personal. The lines on each individual’s hands are different and highly personal to that individual.

Goethe, a famous philosopher, and Richard Webster, a New Zealand psychic and palmist, both claim that the lines in the hand are a map of the individual’s brain.

A Palm Reader’s Role

Professional palmists explain to the client how a palm reading session will work, before a reading begins. Most individuals visit a palmist because of a problem they have not been able to resolve. They may be nervous and perhaps a little apprehensive.

To ease the individual’s anxiety, professional palmists try to be empathetic to the individual’s concerns. During the reading, they will attempt to focus on the individual’s need for information.

It takes two to produce a good reading. There must be a positive rapport between the reader and the individual. As in many other areas, psychic impressions from the palms are never 100% accurate. It is not an exact science, but a solid indication of the past, present and future.

Although palm readings are rarely ever 100% accurate, professional palmists generally achieve a 70% - 80% accuracy rate.

Mindset is critical to a reading. In many cases, an individual may have one thought or worry that consumes them. In these cases, the individual may be so consumed with their one focus that they miss the information that has been provided for them. Their mind will be constantly trying to find information that relates to their concern.

At the end of a reading, the client should evaluate the palmist. A scale based on percentages works well as an evaluation tool. If the reading was 70% - 80% correct, the individual should feel comfortable and confident that they received a positive reading. They should also report what they feel was incorrect, to the reader.


Modern science is just beginning to understand the potential that palmistry has to enable individual development. This ancient craft, with unknown origins may offer individuals an option for alternative treatment.

By understanding the information written in the lines of the palms, humans may be on a journey of deep inner understanding.


Romance And Compatibility With Palmistry

Some people seem to be natural romantics, while others appear to be romantically challenged. To determine how romantic someone is, look at the height and quality of the Mount of Venus. If the mount is high and firm, the person is a true romantic.

If the mount is high and spongy, the person will be sensual and interested primarily in satisfying their own needs. Venus shows the amount of physical energy and stamina we possess and also reveals the degree of sexuality. Someone with a firm, high mount, will have a strong sexual drive. If this person’s partner has a similar mount, their sex life will be explosive.

Someone with a creative, curving Head Line will be more romantic than someone with a straight, practical, down-to-earth line.

Again, though, we want balance. People with Head Lines that swoop right down into the Mount of Luna are likely to live in a world of day dream and fantasies. These people will be romantic, and in love with the idea of being in love. Unless they have some strong character traits shown elsewhere on their hands, they will always be disappointed with the realities of life and will retreat into a fantasy world where everything is perfect.


Compatibility is a fascinating area. I believe that most relationships can work as long as there is love and good will on both sides. However, some relationships involve an incredible amount of work, just to keep the couple together. In some cases, one partner is doing all the work.

Hand Shapes

Fire Earth
Air Water

First, look at the hand shapes. This reveals the basic temperaments of the people involved. It’s a positive sign if both people have the same type of hands. For instance, Fire and Fire are a good match since they have similar temperaments.

It’s not quite as easy if the hand shapes are different. Fire and Earth do not relate well, as fire scorches earth.

Fire and Air get on famously, as air fans and stimulates fire.
Fire and Water are not compatible, as water puts out the fire. Earth and Air get on well, as air allows living things to grow and flourish in earth. Earth and Water also get along well, as water enables life to exist on earth. Air and Water would have a placid, unexciting relationship as both are necessary for survival, but do little for each other.

Heart Lines

Once you’ve determined the hand shapes, look at the ending positions of the Heart Lines. The Heart Lines should be reasonably similar on both parties’ hands and should end at the same place. Bear in mind, if one partner has a chained Heart Line, they’ve experienced disappointments in love. This person will be cautious about a total commitment to a new relationship.

Ideally, the Heart Lines should end between the Jupiter and Saturn fingers. This shows that both people have realistic expectations. If both people have Heart Lines that end on the Mount of Jupiter, they’ll be overly idealistic and have many disappointments.

If one partner has a Heart Line that ends on Jupiter, but the other partner doesn’t, the relationship will be difficult. The partner with the Heart Line that ends under Jupiter will be constantly disappointed. They will dwell on their partner’s imperfections.

If one person’s Heart Line ends on the Mount of Saturn, they’ll be selfish. It’s hard to imagine a happy relationship when both partners have Heart Lines that end on Saturn.

If one person has a Mental Heart Line and the other a Physical Heart Line, check to see if they both end in a similar area. For instance, the Physical Heart Line may end between the Mount of Jupiter and the Mount of Saturn. The Mental Heart Line may end between the Jupiter and Saturn fingers.
This still indicates compatibility, but the Mental Heart Line shows a more impersonal love and difficulty in expressing innermost thoughts.

The partner with the Physical Heart line would want flowers, small gifts and constant reassurance that they’re loved. This partner with the Mental Heart Line would also tend to be a little detached at times. A number of compromises would have to be made by both partners in this relationship.


After you’ve assessed the shape of the hands and the quality of the Heart Lines, it’s time to look at the thumbs.
For compatibility, both partners’ thumbs should be similar. Imagine the relationship if one person had a strong, thick, stubborn thumb and the other a small, flexible thumb. The second person would be constantly dominated by the first.

If both partners have strong, stubborn thumbs, they’ll have to learn to compromise. They’ll have some interesting learning experiences along the way, but ultimately will manage to adjust.
If both partners have highly flexible thumbs, they’ll get along very well. Both partners will be flexible and want to please. However, they’ll most likely have difficulties making important decisions.

Mount of Venus

Finally, check the Mount of Venus again. As mentioned earlier, both partners should have approximately the same size Venus Mounts. Partners with different size Venus Mounts will experience sexual frustration.

A partner with the high, firm Venus Mount will have a strong sex drive, while a partner with a low, almost inverted Venus Mount, will find the occasional sexual encounter is enough. If a couple’s Venus Mounts are a similar height and degree of firmness, they are likely to be sexually compatible.